UGC Video Creation: How Our UGC Videos Showcase (and SELL) Your Products & Brand

So you’re ready to hire a UGC video creator for your content marketing strategy? Great! Before you get started, it’s important to note what kinds of UGC videos could be produced for your brand and product.

User generated videos by UGC creators are usually 5-60s in length and are commonly found on social media. UGC videos are great for places like TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Pinterest videos. Consumers LOVE this video format. It’s quick and easy to digest, and when aesthetically pleasing, they make you feel good.

The following video types are options for ANY UGC video – long form or short form. But even within the micro video format, there are several options for production.

There are 5 main types of UGC videos

  • Demonstration
  • How-to/tutorials
  • Aesthetic b-roll
  • Face-to-camera
  • Text-on-screen
  • Voiceover

There is some overlap between each type, but these are the types of UGC videos that you may receive or request from your creator.

Demonstration Videos

Demonstration videos will demonstrate your product in use. It may be making it (such as for a food or beverage), installing equipment (like technology or vehicle parts), or showing how to use a product. This typically will feature hands and background objects as the main model/actor in the video.

How-To/Tutorial Videos

How-to and tutorial videos are videos that go into detail about how to use or install your product. For instance: how to install headlights on your vehicle, how to prepare an iced matcha, a tutorial on assembling a large piece of workout equipment, or a tutorial on putting together a cat tree. These are often voiceover style videos that are paused and slowed down to see exactly what is being done and where/how.

Aesthetic B-Roll Videos

Aesthetic b-roll videos showcase the product and brand in a beautiful setting that invokes some type of emotion. It may or may not include a model/actress. For instance, if your product is slippers, you may see a happy or content woman in a robe putting on her slippers and sitting down to relax with a cup of tea or glass of wine. This would be calming and aesthetically pleasing footage in a warm lit room eliciting the feeling of coziness and relaxation. These videos may or may not contain music, as well.

Now with that, UGC creators may pair one of the following formats with the above 2 UGC video types.

Face-To-Camera UGC Videos

Face-to-camera videos feature an actor/model speaking directly to the camera about a product or brand. They will hold up the product (or perhaps overlay some nice b-roll) while they speak to the viewer about the features of the product or the transformation it offers.

Text-on-Screen UGC Videos

Text-on-screen videos are typically used in conjunction with an aesthetic b-roll video. Some may include simply words over the screen with no sound (other than possibly added background music/sounds), and some may include a text-to-speech feature. Text-to-speech is when a computer generated voice reads the on-screen text or captions for you. This can be paired with a demonstration video or an aesthetic b-roll video.

Voiceover Videos

And finally, voiceover videos are a silent video with the actor’s voice recorded over the footage. It’s the same concept as the text-to-speech feature above, only this voice is recorded by the creator. Text-to-speech is a common video format found on social media, and users are accustomed to seeing this type of video. However, voiceover videos can add a bit more personality to the video, and they are also more humanizing. This is typically paired with either the demonstration videos or the aesthetic b-roll videos.

What is the best style of UGC video?

Well, there isn’t ONE best video style… A good UGC marketing strategy will include a mix of all types of UGC videos. This is why we offer packages of videos. One video is great for testing the waters or trying something new. But if you really want a standout strategy that converts followers and viewers into loyal customers, you’re going to want a mix for each product you sell.

In our UGC video packages, we allow our clients to request the types of videos they would like to see. Or, if there are no requests, we will send a variety of video types depending on the product or brand. We will typically look at your current content and see what’s missing, what’s working, and what’s generating the most engagement. Doing this will help stop the scroll for new users and convert existing followers into customers – or repeat customers.

Reserve your UGC videos today!

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